Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: New Results

Experimental Polarsys platform

Participants : Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Jean-Pierre Talpin.

In the context of the OPEES project (http://www.opees.org/ ), we have experimented the IWG Eclipse platform Polarsys (http://www.eclipse.org/org/press-release/20111102_polarsys.php ). Polarsys is a new industry collaboration to build open source tools for safety-critical software development. The integration of Polychrony into this platform has been realized in collaboration with the CS company. CS and Inria have produced the Polychrony experimentation report which is included in the global experimentation report. This document gathers the experiments performed by the several partners involved in the OPEES project on the Polarsys platform. An experiment is defined as the way one partner takes his component and uses it to check any of the services within the Polarsys environment. The services are functions the partners want the Polarsys environment to offer.

For the qualification of the Polychrony component on the Polarsys platform, CS and Inria provide the following documents:

  • The Tool Quality Assurance Plan Template (TQAP). This document defines the OPEES quality assurance arrangements and gives some guidance to satisfy them. It focuses on qualification aspects and gives in appendices guidance for some criteria tool qualification with an example for Polychrony Tool.

  • The Tool Verification Cases and Procedures (TVCP) document. It presents the test cases to be performed for the qualification of Polarsys Polychrony Verifier component as described in the TQAP.

  • The Tool Verification Results (TVR). It presents the results of tests performed for the qualification of Polychrony Verifier on several operating systems, as described in the TQAP.